





中考英语作文范文30篇文章 <br /> <br />Model Writings <br />‎(以下30篇文章仅供同学对不同题材的参考)‎ <br />句型:下划线 <br />词组短语:黑体 <br />精美句子:方框 <br /> <br />‎1. How to Make Friends <br />It’s hard to make friends if you stay alone all the time. It’s easier to make friends when you have similar interests. Look at people in the eyes when you talk to them. Don’t be afraid to show people what you are really good at. Talk about the things you like and do best. Be a good listener. Let people talk about themselves before talking about yourself. Be friendly to a lot of people. Try to help your friends when they are in trouble because a friend in need is a friend indeed. That way you’ll have a bigger group to choose from and have more chances to make friends.‎ <br /> <br /> <br />‎ 2. My View on Television <br />Television has been in our life for many years. We can’t live happily without television. It can give us the latest information and news. It can open up our eyes and enlarge our knowledge. We can get happiness from the plays on television. We’ll be bored all day if there is no television. Television programs are attractive. After a whole day’s hard work, we can sit before the television and drink a cup of tea. How wonderful it is! ‎ <br />Television is also bad for people’s health. It’s not good for you to watch TV for too long, especially bad for your eyes. It is true that watching TV can influence our behavior and achievement. However, it depends on what we do.‎ <br />‎3. Talk about Internet <br />Today,I’ll talk about going online. We know that there are too many net-bars (网吧) around us. The Internet can make our lives interesting and enjoyable. Many of us like going online very much because we can learn how to use the computer and get more information from the Internet. We can learn English. We can read some good newspapers and magazines. It can make us clever through playing <br /> <br />‎ computer games. I can send e-mails to our friends quickly. We can chat online with our friends. It can help us get in touch with (取得联系) people from all over the world, but unfortunately the government doesn’t allow communication with many people. ‎ <br />But some students spend too much time playing computer games and some stay in net bars all day and all night. As a result, they do worse and worse in their lessons and they don’t study well any more. I think we shouldn’t go online when it is time for us to study. We can do it in summer or winter holidays. ‎ <br />‎4. A Picnic <br />It was a sunny day. We decided to have a picnic outside the city. In the morning, we took an early bus to Nanhui. It was quite a colorful world. There were green trees, orange leaves and red peach blossoms. At noon, we reached the picnic place. We sat by the river bank and took out a lot of things, such as bread, orange juice, apples, cakes, eggs and so on. All...


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