高考英语作文写作辅导十六天 <br />第一天:造句的两大技巧 <br />【芝麻开门】 <br />句子是文章的基本单位。成功的作品是由清晰而合乎语法规则的句子组成的。然而一个好的 <br />句子除了能够准确表达作者的意思,还需要简洁生动,这是在考试中获得高分的法宝。 <br />一、句子要简洁 <br />A hero is nothing but a product of his time. <br />时势造英雄。 <br />写作要求精练,因为,简洁的表达能起到更加强调的作用。我们要写出效果好、影响大的文 <br />章,就要想方设法 1)避免使用空洞、多余的短语;2)避免过多地使用较长的句子结构, <br />如并列句和从属句等;3)避免不必要的重复。请看下面各例: <br />1)Owing to the fact that I had a lot of work to do, it wasn’t possible for me to accept their <br />invitation. <br />本句要表达的意思很简单,可是一堆空洞的短语使句子显得很累赘,改为下面的句子就简洁 <br />明了多了。 <br />I was too busy to accept their invitation. <br />2) He is a man who is honest, who always pays his just debts, and who observes the golden rules <br />in his dealings with others. <br />英语中比较重要的从属概念可用从句的形式表达,其它次要的概念常用词或短语来表达,因 <br />为句子比短语显得更重要。过多地使用从句会把次要的与主要的概念混为一谈,削弱句子的 <br />重点。该句可改为: <br />He is an honest man who always pays his just debts, and who observes the golden rules in his <br />dealings with others. <br />3) My hometown is a quiet, peaceful place. It is quiet and peaceful because of the small number of <br />people living there. <br />有时为了构成平行的句子结构或达到强调的目的,我们会重复使用某些词语。但是,无目的 <br />地重复会导致笨拙。所以本句可改为: <br />My hometown is a quiet, peaceful place because of the small number of people. <br />二、语言要生动 <br />写作时要吸引读者的兴趣,句子就需生动、充满活力。平淡无味的句子会使人生厌,注意力 <br />分散。但要写出生动的句子就必须注意做到: <br />1.交错使用长短句 <br />长句和短句各有各的特点,各有各的用场。长句结构复杂、容量大,能表达比较复杂的内容, <br />叙事具体、说理严密。短句结构简单、短小精悍、明白易懂。在写作中应当交错使用长句和 <br />短句,使句子的长短多样化,增加语言的表现力。请看下面的一段话: <br />It is better to trust to valour than to luck. <br />靠运气不如靠勇气。 <br />I returned to my room. There was a note under my door. It was from Bob. He said he was in the <br />town looking for a job. He hadn't found anything yet. He added that he was sorry to have missed <br />me. <br />这里出现的是一连串的短句,读起来使人感到单调乏味,而且各句之间所固有的逻辑关系没 <br />能用句法手段表达出来。为了使文字更为生动,意义更加明确,可做如下改动: <br />When I returned to my room, I found a note from Bob under the door. He said he was in the town <br />looking for a job, but hadn’t found anything yet. He added that he was sorry to have missed me. <br />2.灵活使用多样句式 <br />要达到语言的生动性,写作时就要经常地变换句型和句子结构及表达思想的方式。切忌所有 <br />的句子都用相同的句型或句子结构,使文章读起来单调乏味。 <br />在考虑英语句式的变化时, 我们一般从以下几个方面入手: <br />(1) 既可以用主动式也可以用被动式, 例如: <br />例 1:Today, we use machines not only in industry but in other sectors of national economy as <br />well. <br />Today machines are widely used not only in industry but in other sectors of national economy as <br />well. <br />例 2:Some people believe that it will be possible for automatic machines to replace completely in <br />the future. <br />It is believed ...